Online DC Motor Performance Calculator by FOM

Online DC Motor Performance Calculator by FOM
Online DC Motor Performance Calculator by FOM

Motor Nominal Voltage [V]Voltage at which motor characteristic are referred to in the motor datasheet

No load Operating RegionNo Load: no torque load is applied at the axle and the motor is free to run.

No Load SpeedRotation speed of the axle in No Load condition. Value obtained from motor datasheet.

No Load Current [A]Current drawn by the motor in No Load condition. This current is due to the internal losses of the motor. Value obtained from motor datasheet.

Actual Motor Operating Voltage [V]The motor can be powered at any voltage changing the characteristic of the motor. Overvolting/overloading the motor causes additional heat to be dissipated.

Stall Torque Operating RegionStall: The axle is stopped by a torque load bigger than what the motor can provide. In this region the heat dissipation is maximum.

Stall TorqueTorque that the motor provides at the axle in the Stall operating region. Value obtained from motor datasheet.

Stall Current [A]Current absorbed by the motor in the Stall operating region. Value obtained from motor datasheet.

Motor Characteristics at Chosen VoltageMotor parameters are extrapolated from No Load and Stall data at nominal voltage and allow characterization of the motor at any given voltage.

Loss Resistance [OHM]This resistance models the internal losses of the motor due to gears, bearings and wiring.

Windings Resistance [OHM]This resistance models the current that actually contributes to torque.

Loss Ratio [1]Ratio of loss resistance to winding resistance. Bigger is better. A value of 10 means losses are terrible. 50 or above means the motor is well made.

Voltage to Speed ConstantThe no load axle speed of a DC motor is proportional to the input voltage. Doubling the voltage will double the no load speed. When a torque load is applied, the motor will run slower and slower, reaching zero speed at the stall torque.

Current to Torque ConstantThe input current of the motor increases proportionally with increasing torque load at the axle.

Conversion Efficiency [%]Product of KV and KT. Cannot be bigger than the unity. It's the electro-torsional conversion efficiency of the motor not considering losses.

Max Power Operating RegionMax Power: At half Stall Torque and half No Load Speed the motor provides the most torsional power at the axle.

Torque Load for Max PowerApplying this torque load at the axle will move the motor in the Max Power operating region.

Speed at Max PowerThe axle will rotate at this speed when in the Max Power operating region

Torque Load for Max Power [%]Relative to Stall Torque

Speed at Max Power [%]Relative to No Load speed

Efficiency at Max Power [%]Fraction of the input power that will make it to the axle in the Max Power operating region. The rest is dissipated as heat inside the motor.

Input current [A]Current drawn by the motor in the Max Power operating region

Input electrical Power [W]Electrical Power drawn by the motor in the Max Power operating region

Power output at the axle [W]Torsional power provided at the Axle in the Max Power operating region

Power dissipated as heat [W]Heat dissipation in the Max Power operating region. The motor will dissipate a lot mote power in the Stall operating region.

Peak Efficiency Operating Region Peak Efficiency: In this region the motor is dissipating the least power relative to the power provided at the axle.

Torque Load for Peak EfficiencyApplying this torque load at the axle will move the motor in the Peak Efficiency operating region.

Speed at Peak EfficiencyThe axle will rotate at this speed when in the Peak Efficiency operating region

Torque Load for Peak Efficiency [%]Relative to Stall Torque

Speed at Peak Efficiency [%]Relative to No Load speed

Peak Efficiency [%]Fraction of the input power that will make it to the axle in the Peak Efficiency operating region. This is the highest efficiency the motor can achieve

Input current [A]Current drawn by the motor in the Peak Efficiency operating region

Input electrical Power [W]Electrical Power drawn by the motor in the Peak Efficiency operating region

Power output at the axle [W]Torsional power provided at the Axle in the Peak Efficiency operating region

Power dissipated as heat [W]Heat dissipation in the Peak Efficiency operating region

>>>DC Motor Performance Equations<<<

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